New Student Checklist

Hello College Students! 

Please complete these by their given due date. 

Due in June

Due before June 1st

Doane Email

为了接收所有未来的通信,您需要激活您的 Doane Email Account. 请参阅经济援助奖中包含的说明. If you have not received your award yet, 请致电402-826-8222与招生办公室联系,如果您需要技术帮助,请联系服务中心,电话 [email protected] or call 402-826-8411.

Review LAR Descriptions

澳门威尼斯人网址的文科研讨会为即将入学的大学生提供了重要的学习成果. 在每个文科研讨会上,学生将体验到一个独特的感兴趣的话题, 由负责该课程的教员选择. Check out the LAR Class Descriptions on the Enrollment Day main page.

Housing Applications

新学生住房申请将于2月底开放,可通过eRezLife访问. The application Priority Deadline is June 1st.

Email [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance. 

Due before June 30th

Financial Aid Paperwork


如果你获得了任何外部奖学金,请登录你的 Self Service Portal and find the link Report Outside Scholarships

Contact the Financial Aid Office at 402.826.8260 or via email at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Student Health Forms

使用您的Doane电子邮件和密码,在 and complete all of your required health forms.

Upload a copy of your immunization records.  如果你是18岁或以下,你必须提交一份由父母签署的同意书.

High School Transcripts

通过电子邮件将您的最终高中成绩单提交给招生办公室,地址为 [email protected].

Language Placement Test

因为你们中的很多人很快就要在澳门威尼斯人网址注册你们的第一堂课了 Department of Modern Languages wants to reach out to you. 

Spanish Placement Test

如果你对澳门威尼斯人网址的西班牙语课程感兴趣并且你以前学过西班牙语, you can take this online placement test. 这将帮助我们决定最好从哪门语言课开始. 它甚至可以帮助你学习《澳门威尼斯人网址》, Spanish for Business, or Spanish for Healthcare Certificates. 它也可以缩短获得辅修课程所需的时间,因为高级水平的学生可以获得四门课程的西班牙语辅修课程! To take the test, click here, provide the needed information, and complete the speaking and writing samples. 一旦您完成,我们将看到您的结果,我们将与您联系. The test should take about 15 minutes. 如果您有任何问题,请随时与我联系 [email protected].

Also, 如果你完成了双语认证或参加了西班牙语AP考试, there are opportunities for credit!

Spanish Placement Test

We look forward to having you in class!

Due in July

View/Add Proxy Access

将你的父母/监护人添加为代理,以便获得学生财务方面的信息, financial aid and scholarships, and academics.  登录“自助服务”,在左侧菜单栏选择“用户选项”, 然后选择“查看/添加代理访问”,添加代理用户.

Select a meal plan

住校的学生将自动加入白金计划.  To change to a different plan go to , Select My Meal Plans.  学生必须在人口普查日之前更改每学期的膳食计划选择.  Census day for this Fall Semester is 8/28/24.

  • PLATINUM PLAN: $3100 per semester
  • GOLD PLAN: $3200 per semester
  • SILVER PLAN: $3300 per semester
  • BRONZE PLAN: $3400 per semester


Roommate Groups

Roommate Group selection is available on有一些资源可以告诉你如何创建室友小组.

Roommate Groups are due by July 1st; Roommate groups assigned after July 1st may not be accepted.  前两周的课程结束后,你可以换房间.

Email [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance.


Set up your Nelnet Campus Commerce Account

设置您的Nelnet校园商务帐户,以便您可以查看和支付您的学生帐户.  This will only need to be done once.  登入“自助服务”,选择“学生资助”,然后按一下“有用连结”下的连结。.  Follow the steps as prompted.

  • 一旦您的Nelnet校园商务账户建立,您可以访问:
    •   View and Pay your bill
    •  Set up a Monthly Payment Plan
    •   添加授权方-允许指定的人在每个学期生成账单时收到通知, view your account balance, make a payment, set up a payment plan and discuss your bill.  Once they are added as an Authorized Party, 他们将收到一封来自Nelnet的电子邮件来设置他们的帐户(检查你的垃圾邮件), if you don't see the email).
    •  设置退款直接存款-如果你欠退款,它将通过设置直接存款直接发送到你的银行账户(这与设置学生就业直接存款是分开的).

Please remember to complete the new student survey due July 15th, 2024. 您将使用您的Doane电子邮件地址或您申请的电子邮件地址来验证您的身份.

Due before August 28


This training is a requirement of the 校园倡导、预防和教育(CAPE)项目. 您的课程邀请将在上课的第一天发送给您. 在Canvas中接受邀请,然后完成长达一小时的培训模块和后测试. This training is mandatory, 如果学生没有完成这些,他们的账户将被冻结,并且无法注册春季学期. 对完成有关性侵犯的敏感信息培训有疑问或担忧的学生, dating/domestic violence, and stalking are encouraged to reach out to [email protected] to discuss accommodations.

Student Athletes

At click: My forms or Pending forms. 


